Mid Hants Railway bridge panel

Should I use QR codes?

This is a question that I get asked fairly regularly. A few years back, I expected to be answering this question, ‘no’, by now. Yet what I envisaged as an intermediate technology, has proved surprisingly enduring. I think this is because nothing has really superseded them. I was expecting that […]

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Bletchley Park

A cracking visit to Bletchley Park

I was excited to visit Bletchley Park with interpretation colleagues, as part of the AHI 2019 Conference. The visit fed both my personal and professional interests. I have long been fascinated by the story of the code breakers, and like many, have enjoyed watching the likes of The Imitation Game. […]

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Reasons to use digital interactives (or not)

Digital media has become ubiquitous within exhibition spaces. However, with touchscreens now such an integral part of our daily lives too, some are questioning whether we should take a fresh look at analogue. We hit pause for a moment to consider the pros and cons. Reasons for using digital participatory […]

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